Four simple questions can help you make the right choice.
Is it important for you to maximize feed quality and ensure digestibility during ensiling?
Consider an inoculant with specific high-activity enzymes to enhance feed digestibility.
Does your silage give off an unpleasant odor or are you worried about dry matter losses?
Consider an inoculant that contains efficient lactic acid-producing bacteria, preferably one with enzymes, to control ensiling fermentation.
Does your silage heat up or show signs of spoilage?
Consider an inoculant that contains specific heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria to achieve feed-out stability.
Do you need increased management flexibility when feed is in short supply?
Consider an inoculant that allows you to achieve aerobic stability, and feed silage after just 15 days, while also increasing long-term aerobic stability after 30 days of fermentation.
Not all products are available in all markets nor all claims allowed in all regions.

MAGNIVA Decision Tree